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Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Buddha accompanied by miniature Buddha images and lion images
Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Buddha image depicting Bhumisparsh Mudra
Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Buddha seated on a throne with lion and deer images
Ellora, Kailasanath Temple, Carvings of Lions and Elephants at Kailasanath
Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Buddha in meditative pose
Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Decorative Arched Roof
Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Manushi Buddhas
Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Bodhisattva accompanied by Buddha figure and attendants
Ellora, Kailasanath Temple, Lord Kartikeya on peacock, Agni on goat, and Vayu on deer
Ellora, Buddhist Architecture, Decorative Panel on the Ceiling